FBE coatings, both internal & external, are essentially single layer (thin) coatings. These are designed for corrosion protection on steel substrates (especially pipes & fittings).
Al-Qahtani Pipe Coating is the licensee applicator for specialized coating systems in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. The high performance coating systems are basically intended for down-hole tubular, OCTG, pipelines and inplant piping systems. The comprehensive range of epoxies, phenolics & urethanes serve a wide range of uses in stringent environments.
Thru-Kore Sleeve connections are also marketed & installed by AQPCI under a license agreement. These are the only weld-able connections for surface piping that help maintain continuous coating integrity after welding.
Since 1983 AQPCI is applying FBE to internal surfaces of pipes, fittings, spools and down-hole tubular products. AQPCI has the capacity to apply the Internal FBE coating to pipe sizes ranging from 2-1/2” to 80” outer diameter. Internal FBE coating can be applied to pipes which are used in treated seawater, sour gas, crude service, Wasia water service and potable water.
AQPCI was the first applicator in the Middle East to apply external fusion bonded epoxy coating from 2” and up to 80”, single layer or dual system for stander and high temperature. AQPCI can coat internally and externally FBE coating the pipe size ranging from 2 inch to 80 inch in diameters and in length up-to 80 feet double jointed pipe.